Modern techniques VS Traditional techniques of Finding Qibla Direction

Allah is everywhere. Muslims have to pray in a specific direction it doesn't mean that Allah is in a limited direction. When a person pray facing the Qibla since a man has physical body, while supplicating he needs to face some bearing and Islam wants that for the flawlessness of this love, he ought to take however much advantage as could reasonably be expected.
“And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing ”. Surah Baqarah 2:115
It's a typical believe that Muslims face towards east however it’s not genuine for pray. Muslims are requested to supplicate confronting Ka'bah, so any place a Muslim lives from Ka'bah he or she needs to ask confronting towards Ka'bah. In the event that Muslims are living in Japan they need to implore towards west or northwest, where as in America Muslims supplicate towards upper east.

Modern techniques for locating Qibla:

The Modern World makes our life very easy in many aspects. It provides us many facilities all we have to do is to learn how it works. Presently it becomes very simple to find the accurate direction on Ka'bah with the help technology.  There are some extraordinarily composed applications for finding the accurate direction of Qibla. You can download these applications free of cost. With the help of these apps you can without much of a stretch utilize them to locate the precise direction of Qibla.

Traditional techniques for Finding Qibla Direction:

Using Sun:

The sun is a respectable marker of cardinal headings; it climbs from the East and sets in the West. If you have an idea with respect to where your present zone is in association with Makkah, you can unwind the headings by seeing where the sun rises from and where it sets in that locale.

In the event that Makkah is north of your city or country and you see that the sun is setting to the other side, then you are going up against the Qibla. Nevertheless, if the sun is setting to the other side, then you should face the reverse way. The sun's arranging can in like manner be used to choose the correct zone of the Qibla on two occasions in the midst of the year.

Using a Compass:

The most clear and the least difficult way to deal with choose Qibla heading is a compass.
If you think about your zone in association with the Makah, a compass ends up being significantly more correct and correct, appeared differently in relation to a straightforward stick in the ground.

Using Sundial:

Find a touch of level or level ground and position a vertical question on the ground, about 3 ft. long, just a little before twelve. Make a stamp where the tip of the question's shadow falls on the ground. Draw a float around the question, using its length as the traverse. As time goes on, the shadow will get tinier and move a long way from the circle. It will then get longer toward another way and touch the circle yet again. Check the point where the circle and shadow cross.
Join both engravings using a straight line. This bearing is west to east; the important check being west and the second being east. Draw in another inverse line to this line. The second line will be a north-south line. After you have found the cardinal orientation, it will be less requesting to get an upsetting thought about the Qibla heading as well.

Using a Watch:

In the event that you are in Northern side of the equator than hold the watch on a level plane so the hour hand centers towards the sun. The course in the middle between the hour hand and 12:00 o'clock on your watch is south. In the occasion that you've discovered south, you can now choose substitute headings as well.
In the event that you are in Southern side of the equator than hold the watch on a level plane so the 12:00 o'clock stamp centers to the sun. The course between the 12:00 o'clock check and the hour hand will be north.
 In case you know where north is, you can now comprehend substitute orientation too. In this manner through comprehending the cardinal orientation, you can without a doubt discover the Qibla moreover.


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